Saturday, November 16, 2002


life is good, i have had no complaints, other than the massiveass amounts of school work in the last few weeks, hence my lack of postings, i suppose. i'll try to update later, but to give you all an idea of what kind of shit i have to put up with at school, have a look at this paper i just finished writing. i don't really even know what it's abut, so i doubt i got a very good grade on it, but anyway

Sunday, November 10, 2002


have i mentioned i hate school?

Wednesday, November 6, 2002


sitting here at school, wondering why in the world i didn't print off the stupid thing about processors that i have to do for my infosys class. i'm trying to get this project started at least, i have SO much research to do by monday, and i know friends are going to want to go out a lot this weekend, which leaves me basically today, thursday night, and maybe a little bit of sunday to research the architecture of 3 different kinds of processors (which kinds, i have no idea, because i can't find the assignment printout), and write a 5 or 6 page single sspaced 12 point font paper on them. YAY. lol. as i fail.

Monday, November 4, 2002

it works it works it works it works. woohooo. lol. OWNED... i know it isn't exactly the way she'd want it to work, but hey, what the hell ever. lol. :D
names changed to protect the innocent.

UnaFragger: so why didn't you go out with her?
someguy: ummm she looked like she ran into a wall several times
someguy: and then fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down... then the tree fell on her head

i hate school
i hate school
i hate school
i hate school
i hate school
i hate school
i hate school
i hate school
i hate school