Monday, December 2, 2002


i hate school.

UnaFragger: *sob* i just want to go to sleep
UnaFragger: i can't!
UnaFragger: i have like 2 more single spaced pages on this paper to write
UnaFragger: and i don't knwow hat i'm going to write it about.
UnaFragger: :(
UnaFragger: i'm all writed out for tonight.
UnaFragger: aaaaand stupid stats project due tomorrow
UnaFragger: that chris and i are working on, but we're not going to turn in until wednesday
UnaFragger: and hope he doesn't take off.

this fucking paper was due on last thursday, but i haven't finished it yet. sucks ass. another project due tomorrow that we won't turn in til wednesday cuz we didn't get it finished, long computer program to write for tuesday, as well as a take home exam that i'm going to have to take on wednesday and a final on thuyrsday for finance. and then finals start. i have like one every day next week, but that'll be fucking cake. i just want to get this paper, that computer program, my THIRD assignment for infosys which is due on the 11th, and my stats project done. damnit i can't wait until this semester is over. i miss my old life. although i had a fantastic day. until lall this work flew at me and hit me in the face. :(

OH well.

i hate school.