Friday, February 16, 2007

Busy as balls

Wow, today was crazy.

Good crazy.

We get to see 3 of the houses that we wanted to see tomorrow. I'm excited.

And (though I probably shouldn't post this on the internet, but i must brag), my credit score is 779. :D

Friday, February 2, 2007

Houses!! :D

I'm pretty excited. Laura and I finally got pre-approved or whatever for a mortgage the other day, so we finally got to start looking at houses. We spoke with a realtor a few days ago and she set us up on their portal so that we can really start looking at houses. She started us off with a really broad search area, and there were about 73 houses that matched our search criteria. Maybe half of those were in our price range, and out of all those, we found 3 that we really liked. They were close to home, good size, nice layout, pretty new, nice sized yard.. very cool.

I really can't wait until we get to actually start touring some. We're getting married in the middle of April, and our rent comes up for renewal at the end of JUly or early August. So, we're probably going to try to get out of the Apartment then and into a house, so we can start actually earning some Equity on where we live. I'm pretty excited too. I'm looking forward to being able to do house work and yard work. Make some minor renovations if we need to, and do some painting. I haven't had a chance to do anything like that in a long time, and I've gotten really really lazy. So, it'll be fun to be able to actually get up and do some stuff around the house.

Anyway. That's about all that's been on my mind the last couple of days. :/ Work = usual.