Thursday, March 5, 2009

Shooting in the Snow

So, like I was saying, I just snagged a brand spanking new DSLR and I've been wanting to take some sweet pictures with it.  I took photography back in High School and I've always enjoyed shooting stuff, the course was only a semester, and that's about all I know about phogotraphy in general.  Some basic rules here and there -- the rule of thirds, for example -- and the general ideas behind exposures -- f/stops, shutter speeds, etc.  That's about it.

I actually find it a bit strange, because I'm one of the least 'artistic' people that I've ever met.  I can't draw, I don't know anything about writing or music or any of the 'creative' arts, but I do really enjoy taking pictures.  

Anyway, I snagged the camera on Friday and it rained all day Friday evening and all day Saturday.  I was bummed, not much light when it's rainy and dreary, and can't really go out to take pictures.  I was pretty lucky when the snow started falling though and I was able to get a couple of shots outside my house of the snow.  Unfortunately, it kept falling and we were up to about eight inches by the time it was over.  That's the most snow we've gotten in ten years.  I got a few cool shots, I'm hoping maybe I can get a bit more use out of the camera this weekend since it's going to be back up to 80 degrees.  Yep, after eight inches of snow last weekened, 80 this weekend.  Crazy weather!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Who are you?

And why are you blogging?

Don't you find it interesting when, say, you look back at something you wrote three or four years ago and think to yourself, "What was I thinking?"

That's the idea behind my wanting to start a blog.  That's really about it.  I also like keeping other people entertained (and I'm not really sure why), so I hope that someone other than me can get some enjoyment as well.

Just to knock out the pre-requisite 'about me,' I'm 27, a computer programmer, living in Richmond, VA.  I'm married, no kids (and none for a while, thank you), and I just got a brand new shiny DSLR camera that I've been taking advantage of for the last few days.  That's about my only hobby now, I like playing video games and tinkering with computer hardware in my free time.

(Edit: That is no longer relevant, as I've decided to transfer all of my old posts over.  Also, look at my profile. :))

On that note, thanks for coming, enjoy your stay, hope you find something to keep you occupied.