Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Wandering Mind

So, I'm sitting here at work drawing an intellectual blank.  I've got stuff going on and there are several things that I need to get done today but I just can't seem to put my finger on a starting point.  Usually once I find that starting point, it's all gravy, but for some reason, I just can't get going.  So what do I do?  Find something on the internet to read that will get my mind thinking again.  It's usually a book or something of the like, as looking at sites like failblog.org amuse me, but don't really help to get me moving.

The only thing about that is that I can get pretty easily attached to things I'm reading.  I'm "caught up" with about 2 or 3 serialized novels, in the middle of a series or two (waiting for the next book to become available!) and reading Laura's Cousin's novel, Desperate Highway at home.  (Excellent read, btw.  http://www.desperatehighway.com)

It's hard to keep them all straight, and even doing that is becoming a burden, causing my mind to clog up even more.  What to do?!

Oh well, that's all I have to say today.  Not being able to think well, I'm not really able to come up with an answer on my own. :)