Thursday, October 15, 2009


So, not too much going on as of late. I'm back to wishing that I posted more on the blog, because I feel like when I go back to try to read it in a few years, large chunks of my life will be missing. :P

Unfortunately, though, I have nothing too interesting to add. I'm waiting for my Google Wave invite to arrive. I'm.. looking forward to going to the Beach LanParty again this year. I'm... OH, I'm eating really low carb for the next couple of weeks to see if I can lose a little weight before Laura and I go to busch gardens on Friday.

Not going so well for me so far. lol.

And, I'm hungry.

That's all I got. Sorry.

Test post.,

Just wanted to test to see how the image upload works. Where does the image go? I don't want to clutter my Picasa album with uploaded images. :P

Edit: Yep, it definitely uploaded it to my Picasa web albums..

Well, I guess that's acceptable.