Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Gimp

Originally uploaded by unafragger
This is the BG image that I created (mentioned last post) with the Gimp. As I said, I love the Gimp, and I think this came out quite well, but it just doesn't handle 3d as well as it could.

Blender Rendering

Originally uploaded by unafragger
I downloaded a program on Saturday called Blender on Ubuntu. I was goofing around with the Gimp making some desktop backgrounds, and I was able to get some pretty decent 3D backgrounds, but it was difficult to do, and as much as I love the Gimp, it isn't the best 3D Rendering tool.

So, I picked it up, got into it, found a fantastic tutorial page on wiki books and started following through. I love it. I've been messing with it seemingly non-stop for a couple of days now. This is about the most advanced thing that I've created so far, and it was pretty much directly out of the tutorial (or, a single die, anyway). It's pretty sweet looking, though.

It even has a pretty sweet animation utility where you can actually animate the 3D objects you create. Making it even more powerful, it has some sort of game engine built in. That's way beyond me at the moment. I've made a few animations, and they're very simple. I can't wait to get into the Game Engine. :D

More to come.. hopefully!