Tuesday, April 9, 2002

next semester (?!)

9:30 - 10:45 11-12:15 12:30 - 1:45 2-3:15
M Intro to Marketing Business Statistics Comp Hardware & Software
T Programming - Java Speech Financial Management
W Intro to Marketing Business Statistics Comp Hardware & Software
R Programming - Java Speech Financial Management

ouch. so i'm going to try 18 credits next semester. all basically really boring classes too. it's going to be a pain in the buttocks to keep up with all of them. though after this semester, i have 19 or 20 classes left to take. that's 4 semesters. if i knock 6 of them out of the way this semester, that'll only leave me with 13 or 14, which will make the following 3 semesters slightly easier i think. besides, though i've been in school for 15+ years, i've never really been challenged. maybe this'll do it for me. >:)

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