Wednesday, May 29, 2002

ee! and stuff.

- Test Name: Strategic Alliances with Competitors
- Date: 2002-05-29 21:57
- Test Time: 01:00
- Gross Speed: 99 WPM
- Errors: 3
- Accuracy: 96%


i've come to the conclusion that i'm a fairly fast typist. lol. and i amaaazed the people at work today by teaching them how to put a shortcut icon on the desktop of the computer in the back office. lol. complex shit right there.

so anyway, it's been a while since i've updated. really haven't been doing much, trying to work 40 hours a week when possible, i'm actually workign 48 next week i think. it's going to be pretty fun i think. :) i'm going to be pretty tired afterwards, but the following week, i think i'm only working like 4 days, so i'll have a couple of relaxation days. niiice. :D anyway yeah!

been getting hours in the natural foods section when i have time off from operations, it's pretty much the same job, just over a much, MUCH smaller area of the store. so it's not quite as much work, more laid back, and i'm learing more than i think i should ever have to as well. although i'm very amused by the PMS tea that they carry. it herbally helps to abate pms symptoms. lol. it's great!

so anyway! i guess i'll update again later. once i have something more to say. i can't wait until i get paid this week! my chexing account is getting kind of low. i keep transferring all that money into my wanabuyacarfund. lol.

anyway yeah! bye.

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