Thursday, May 31, 2007

Woo, got the keys!

We went and did the final walkthrough on the house tonight, and ended up walking away with the keys. We're closing at 12:30 tomorrow. I have to work, but I can't imagine doing too much at work. I doubt my mind'll be there.

The house was about what I was expecting. It looked significantly larger without all of those people's huge furniture in there. The back yard is really nice, and I'm really looking forward to getting out there and working on it. The walls are all so plain and drab, and there are little holes everywhere where there were pictures hung and stuff. We're going to have to do a bunch of patching, and a shit-load of painting. it's going to look amazing once we're done though. And, we've got TWO MONTHS to work on it. :D

I can't wait. Some of you should come by and see the before picture. hehe.

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