I've switched my diet up drastically, from eating bread and pasta and rice and fatty foods all the time. Now, I'm pretty much low-carbing it, consuming around 30-60 grams of total carbs a day (or shooting for it, anyway). It's surprisingly easy to do, and leaves a lot of leeway in the types of things you can still eat! It requires quite a bit more planning than I'm used to, and makes it challenging to "run out and grab something", but as far as meals and most foods, it's a piece of cake.
I've gotten to enjoy a lot of veggies that I wasn't so sure about before. I've been eating a lot more lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish) than I had before. And sure, I can still enjoy the occassional steak -- just not with the 100+ gram's of carbs that you get in most of these restaurant's baked potatoes. Yeah, I miss a few things, but I've gained a lot from it already.
In addition to all that, I've been trying (and having some issues with it lately) to get in at least a mile's worth of walking each day. Work has been sort of a pain lately, and I haven't been getting home until after dark. So adding all that up, I feel healthier than I have in quite a while. I'm really enjoying it.
All that just to say that I've found it doesn't necessarily have to be a curse.
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