Thursday, April 8, 2010

Programming muscles!

I've had a great last few weeks at work, I've been working on a new project. I've got an old application written in VB.NET for the old 1.1 framework. While it's a decent application, has a good handful of users, and accomplishes what it's set out to do, it's somewhat clunky, has many 'add-ons' that don't exactly tie in perfectly, and is becoming "too big for it's britches" as my mom would say.

SO, I'm getting to re-write it using the Entity framework in C#. C# is certainly not my strong point -- I took a single class in college that used it. I'm learning it, though. I've always felt that if you have a good programming base and understand one object oriented language (I'm much better in VB and Java), then it's easy to pick up the others.

So, I'm learning all kinds of new things, getting to use technologies that I haven't used before, and getting to really "flex my programming muscles." As work goes, it's been a really good couple of weeks.

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