Sunday, June 30, 2002


i went to dad's today, went to bed last night at about 5:15, had to get up this morning around 10 to call my dad and chex to make sure i was still going. turned out that i was, which was perfectly fine with me, i love going to visit him. it doesn't matter what we do, i always have a great time. but anyway, after about 5 hours sleep, i woke up and drove on down there. probly avg'd about 65mph on the way down there, seemed like it took FOREVER to get down there. we hung out at his house for a while, watched the soccer game, and some other show that was on after it, chatted, whatever. got a new (old) camera while i was down there, just figured out how to use it. it has a 500mm telephoto lense, which i think is extremely cool, but even cooler, it has a 3x tele converter, which can convert that 500mm into a 1500mm telephoto. which is extremely far. it's like taking pictures through a very good pair of binoculars.

anyway, after we'd hung out there for a while, we went to this cookout that one of his friends was having prior to his wedding. i went into my lil bubble and just sorta stood/sat around not saying anything to anyone unless they said something to me first. i'm pretty good at meeting new people and conversing and shit when i want to now, but i really haven't been in the mood for that today for some reason. i guess 40 hours a week of having to put up with people that i don't know at work constantly is enough. on the weekends i like to have some time to relax with just myself, or a couple/few people that i know really well. that's the life right there.

i left there around 8 or so i guess, left dad's house, and my avg speed coming home was probably like 80 or so. it seemed like it took about half as long to get home as it took to get there. which was kind of good, not really into a driving mood today either. but yeah! now i've been sitting here, figured out how to use the camera, and uh.. that's about it! so! goodnight for now. i'm gonna get back to chatting w/ the coolest girl on the net. :) niight.

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