Saturday, June 15, 2002


ok, i don't know what to say. i don't feel good. i think working for 40 hours this week, and then coming home and hoping to not do anything, but being "coerced" into going many places that i don't really feel like going, and talking with several people that i really have no interest in talking to seems to be doing that to me.

right, well so my computer started ass-locking again, and i don't really know what's causing it. i asked jordan and work the other day.. he's the only guy there that's actually more of a computer nerd than i am, and he said he thought that maybe my power supply wasn't supplying my computer with enough power, and that could be what was causing it.. the one i have in there now is only a 250 watt, and so i went ahead and ordered another one. hopefully it'll be getting here soon, so i can replace it, and get all the shit working again. i've never actually changed out a power supply before, but since i've done just about everything else that there is to do to computers, i don't see as how it could be much of a problem.

and! now that i've been saving money like a bitch, it's coming along fairly nicely. oh. shit. tomorrow's father's day. i definitely should go see my dad again, and take him something nice. at least a card i guess. take him out to dinner or something. i never know what on earth to get him. he seems like he has everything he needs. i should start putting him together a better computer or something with all the spare parts that i can get my hands on. but would he use it? who fkn knows. maybe?

and do you ever get into that mood where you just totally don't feel like doing anything? just SITTING for like an hour and staring at the screen, playing quake maybe.. or just listning to some music, kicking back, and daydreaming? i do! i do! and i'm in one right now. i'm too tired to even type, although i guess it doesn't seem like it according to all the ass lines of text. RIGHT well i'm going to stop whining and say something useful.


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