Wednesday, October 30, 2002


hmm, let's see, where to begin... not really that much has been happening at school. i took a finance test the other day that i failed misurably. i got a 47 on it, and that sucked, more so since i got a 97 on the first one... a 50 point drop. ouch. luckilyk, the rest of the class did really poorly too, so she let us retake the test as a take home open book test. which was great. aaaannd, that stupid infosystems project, where i have to compare the different microprocessor architecture of 3 different kind of chips, is going to be hard as BALLS, but since she keeps delaying the due date, i think i can handle it. eventually. :D

work = same ole stuff

i FINALLY got my laptop fixed. i got bored the other day, so i took it apart. i saw how it came apart, so i was like HEY! i can fix this. lol. so yeah, i got online and searched for the part, last i heard it was like 800 dollars, so i was like HELL NO i'm not gonna spend that. i mean the laptops decent, win98.. it's a 450 i think, w/ 64 megs of ram, and a 6.4gb hd. so yeah! i found it online for a mere 315 dollars, and my mom agreed to pay half, so i ordered it, and it came in, and i installed it. i had a few screws left over afterwards, which usually isn't a plus, but it's up and running again... so i stopped by best buyand picked up an ethernet card for it, i figured HEY. we'll go ahead and get it working FULL THROTTLE. lol. so yeah, i'm sittin here in my bed now, updating my journal on my laptop. it's great.

anyway yeah, all those people that said "we don't know how to fix that kind of problem" can suck my dick. because i got it. jeremy > tech support


:D anyway, i've had enough for tonight. goodnight all!

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