Sunday, October 6, 2002


hm, well let's see. lindsey and i took a walk today, down to the volleyball court down in wellesley, for those of you who don't know, she's this girl that i know from work that i've been sorta "dating" for the last couple of weeks. anyway, she lives really near where megan used to live, and we were walking down there, and we passed the tennis courts right there by the road or whatever, and i couldn't help but think back to when megan and i broke up. it was really nostalgic. i guess it sorta bothered me for a second, but it was fleeting. i guess it just got me thinking. but yeah anyway, we ended up more or less babysitting all day, it was really fun though. we chilled with the kids, they were anywhere from like 4-13 or something years old. it was one of the first times in like years that i felt cool just chillin with the kids. lol. it was neat. anyway that's basically my day. guess it was just something on my mind that i felt like i should get out.

i guess to megan, just because i haven't really said anything about anything, seeing as how we hardly talk, but yeah: i still think you're an awesome person, and i wouldn't change anything given the chance. i guess i just wanna say thank you for being such an awesome person. you were a great first girlfriend and it just really meant a lot getting to know how much fun being in a relationship can really be. so thank you. :)

(and no, this song isn't at all about my mood, i just absolutely love it. :P lol. )

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