Sunday, July 6, 2003


hey all!

long time, no talk!!

so let's see
$411.36. asus a7v8x-x, amd xp 2800+, 512MB PC2100 DDR RAM, and a really really nice light tube, neon flashy light thingy, very easily cooled case. black with silver front. (doesn't totally match my off-white cdrom/floppy drives, but hey. still. VERY nice computer. it does everything i've ever wanted ina computer, an dhas none of the problems.

went out to play pool tonight. got mad. had 2 slow gin fizz's. drove home. i know i know, bad jer. i wasn't feelin it though. it's all good, i had friends with me.

going to dad's tomorrow, birthday's next saturday. he said he was gonna give me money. YES. i need money, though i have a job, and make like 12,000 a year, i still somehow manage to spend it all and not have ANY left over. where does it all go? food. so aggravating, but it's so fun (and good) eating out all the time.


right, well. nothing too much to say, i'm too tired to really think. :D night.

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