Thursday, July 10, 2003

funerals, and haaving my room taken away.

so i'm sitting here trying to clean my room. my step dad's mom passed away on monday whilst i was at work. :( tragedy. she was such a nice lady, very friendly and always caring about other people. she was in pretty bad shape near the end though, so in a way, it's good that she doesn't have to suffer anymore.

since the funeral was today, i've had my step dad's brother and his girlfriend, pete(my step dad)'s sister, my grandmother(mom's mother) all here, so daniel's been sleeping on the floor in my room. i got my pc parts the other day, so all the boxes and stuff have been chilling on my floor for days now. i know ( as do any of you that actually know me) that my room is always messy anyway, but it's just gotten to the point that i can't take it anymore. so i'm cleaning it. i've gotten some of the crap up, and i wanted to take a little break. i hate cleaning my room SO much, because i have so much crap that i don't need, nor will i ever even look at anymore, and i need to get rid of it. but some of it, i just can't bring myself to dispose of with the vague "well what if i wanna see this later" sense. it's so annoying. i told myself that this summer, i was going to get my room looking emaculate, and i haven't even beGUN to do it yet, so maybe that's what i'll work at today. i'm gonna get the floor picked up, and vacuum, because the fucking dog (pardon my french) decided to come in here and chew up the styrofoam that my computer case was packed in. so i have little styrofoam chunks all over the floor.

right, so well back to work! hope everyone has a lovely evening. i <3 u!

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