Sunday, October 1, 2006

Long Time

So, I've gotten back into working on that Ticketless program that I can't stand at work. It's been going pretty good, but it's so annoying since it has such a tight deadline on everything that needs to be done for it. My job is really stressful, and that drives me nuts. I LIKE the work that I do, and I really enjoy working with the people that I work with, but sometimes I seriously question whether or not I'm well equipped to handle the stress.

I've always been a very laid-back and relaxed individual, and I hate it when I get stressed out. I've been thinking about trying to look for something else just for that reason. But, I don't want to since I like the work that I do now. So, I don't know what to do. I get annoyed at times, but then at other times it's going really well and I don't have any trouble at all.

*grr* so frustrating.

Help me out, here.

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