Wednesday, October 25, 2006


It has just been absolutely forever again since I've had a chance to write anything.

I've been getting sent downtown again a lot to work on that old program that I can't stand, so that sucks. Other than that, work's been going really well.

Laura's great grandmother passed away over last weekend, so we went to the funeral today. It was sad (as it generally is at funerals), but she lived to be 94, and had an awesome life, so it's nice to see someone who had so much time on this earth to enjoy.

I finally hit level 30 on my Gnome Rogue on WoW! I know, I don't get to play much. For those of you who actually play wow, you realize that's not much of an accomplishment, but I'm enjoying it. I got into PvP a bit too and got to rank 1! That was pretty exciting for me.

Let's see. I have a review that I really need to work on, but I haven't had time to with all that's been going on, so that sorta sucks. It sounds like most of my weekend's going to be devoted to finishing tha tup. Which is fine, because it's for another case. It seems sweet so far, and maybe I can get rid of this big eye-sore that's in here now. :)

Anyway! I'm really going to try (though I say that all the time) to keep getting this thing updated.

Have a goodnight!

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