Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wewp for long weekends

So, I got a 3 day weekend last weekend, and that was pretty nice. I've worked Tuesday, Wednesday, and today (thursday) of this week. Laura and I took off Tomorrow, and everywhere's closed on Monday, so this week should even be a four day weekend. I'm so excited about that, it should be niiice.

Work hasn't been too bad. It's been a slow week, and thus I haven't gotten much done. It's not too bad, I haven't had too much pressing that I really NEEDed to do, but now that the year is starting afresh, I'm going to have to get a lot more done.

I've been thinking about new year's resolutions, and in the past, I've always just said that I want to lose weight. The fact of the matter is that it's more than that with me. I never have any motivation to DO anything -- be it eat right, exercise, or even do things around the house that I know I need to do.

Problem is that I can't will myself to "be more motivated" because that just isn't realistic. So, what I'm going to try to do is just say "screw it, just do what you need to do."

Whether I have the motivation or will or whatever to do what I need to do, I CAN consciously make myself just get up off my lazy ass and do things, and that's just what I'm going to have to do. Sure, I've tried in the past, but only about half-assedly, so this time, it's going to be full-out. No more Mr. Lazy Guy. :D

I think that's going to be it for this year. That should solve a lot of my problems. hehe.

How about you guys?

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