Friday, January 5, 2007

Rainy Days Suck

It's shitty outside today. It's friday, which is good. No more work for a whole 2 days! Woo.

All my geek friends are leaving on Sunday to go on to the annual geek-fest lan party down in Nags Head, and I don't get to go this year. On one hand, I'm a little dissappointed because it's always fun, but on the other, I'm sorta glad that I don't have to worry about it. Also, it's going to be nice to be able to go on a Honeymoon in April, and I'll be able to use the rest of my vacation when we move into a new house.. hopefully this summer. :D

PS, look forward, because I'm sure I'll be recruiting some of you guys to help me move again. lol.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Fkn Dominion. hehe.

So, we get home yesterday and there's a notice on our door that Virginia Power is going to cut off the power from 6:00 to 6:45 this morning. Shit. Our alarm clock goes off at 6:30. What if the power's not in? So, we scramble around yesterday to find batteries to put in the alarm clocks so hopefully they'll still go off and wake us up, and I set the alarm on my phone too.

Go to sleep, and at like 3:00, the power goes off. Wakes us both up, and it's a pain in the ass to go back to sleep. Then, around 4:30 or 5:00 rolls around, and we start waking up.. just KNOWING that the power's going to go off again any minute now. Goes off around 5:45 (pretty much still awake) and comes back up at like 6:05. Great. So the alarm clock does go off as it should, so I disable the alarm on my phone. Noo, couldn't be that easy. That goes off too.

So, I don't know. Just a pain in my ass. I didn't sleep like well at ALL last night and I woke up with a crazy bad headache this morning because of it. I hope it doesn't come back.