Friday, January 5, 2007

Rainy Days Suck

It's shitty outside today. It's friday, which is good. No more work for a whole 2 days! Woo.

All my geek friends are leaving on Sunday to go on to the annual geek-fest lan party down in Nags Head, and I don't get to go this year. On one hand, I'm a little dissappointed because it's always fun, but on the other, I'm sorta glad that I don't have to worry about it. Also, it's going to be nice to be able to go on a Honeymoon in April, and I'll be able to use the rest of my vacation when we move into a new house.. hopefully this summer. :D

PS, look forward, because I'm sure I'll be recruiting some of you guys to help me move again. lol.

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