Friday, June 29, 2007


Not much new to report.

Donna started painting on the inside of the house, and it look fantastic. I think we really picked out some good colors.

Laura and I were originally planning to do all the interior painting ourselves, but after we 'discovered' what a pain in the ass it could be, we decided to hire someone to do the downstairs for us. It ended up being one of the best things that we could have done because I SOOO don't want to have to paint a lot. We've done about half of two bedrooms now, and it's a royal pain in the ass. So, we've got a professional doing the entire downstairs (less the laundry room) and the common area upstairs. She's done half the downstairs, and none of the upstairs (as of yesterday). But it looks awesome. Granted, for nearly $1,300, it should.

So that's about it. I don't know if we're going over there at all today or not -- probably to see the paint. I'll try to remember to take the CAMERA and get some pics that I can shoot up here for you folks to see. :)

Hope everyone's doing well.

:/ I need a flickr account or something.

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