Thursday, August 29, 2002


i reeeeally don't want to go to work. it gets so old doing the same thing over and over and over. i need a new job... although i'm sure any job would get old after 5 years. but yes, still. at least it's only 6 hours again. and thursdays aren't very busy either, so it'll be slow AND boring. woo. :|

classes went okay i guess, financial management is boring, but not boring to the point of economics, where i won't even be able to read the text, i got a little bit (about 3/4) of chapter 1 read today. boring, but not dreadfully so. java programming is boring, because the stuff she's going over now is really basic stuff that i already know, and that speech class is actually pretty fun, we're doing some group presentation thing at the moment.. it's due on the 10th or something. (maybe this'll remind me to actually DO it. hehe. i'll have to use sunday to actually do work and stuff since i don't think i'm going to my dad's, and even though it's just the first week of school, i already have ASS work to catch up on. WOOOHOOOO...

on a yet more random note, i've been listning to far too much country recently. someone just shoot me now and get it over with.

ok well i'm going to go brush my teeth and get dressed. and go try to torture customers at the U-WORLD for a few hours. have a nice evening everyone.

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