Friday, August 2, 2002


yeah my checking account was getting frighteningly low. i was down to 53 dollars or something. baaad. i fiiiinally got my paycheck processed though, 277.47 this week. not TOO shabby. could be better. i think NEXT week is the week of the big bonus. which is thank GOD because like i haven' tput any into savings in a couple of seeks, and none of this is going either because i have a 75 dollar long distance bill, and a 94 dollar insurance bill. *COUGH KYLE* yeah and a little of it was yours too jenny :P but hey that's ok. not too bad. i think i'll go to 7-11 after work and snag another phone card. lol. since i have a little of money i can actually spend now.

aaanyway.. nothing really exciting today.. well not since before 5 this morning when i went to bed. :) should be fun day at work. running on 6 hours. ima be hyper for about an hour when i get home. lol. aaanyway.

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