Thursday, August 1, 2002


busy day today. going to breakfast with dave and paul, then i think i'm going to come back here and work on parents computer. going to dinner later tonight with laura, and possibly jeff and jenn. probably end up going to starbucks again tonight. yeah it's good that i only have like 60 dollars in my checking account, yet i insist on continuing to go out to do shit. i could transfer some money in from savings temporarily, but i REALLY don't want to do that if i don't have to.

i need to reboot my computer as well. it hasn't been done in a while, and none of my system tray icon's are there. oh well again. i have to leave in .. 25 minutes and i just woke up, so i'm gonna go have a quickass shower. just thought i'd post one. laaater.

right, and this song has been stuck in my head for days now. oh well. :D


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