Sunday, March 31, 2002

webpage updatage

wooow, jeremy's been busy doing some basically useless things since he got home earlier tonight. well, i got to work on my webpage quite a bit, finished canning in a buuunch of pictures that i wanted to put up. infact, i had so many on there that i had gone over my space amount, so i had to delete a few. lol.

anyway, check it out! there's a link at the top, but incase you don't feel like clicking on that, click here. unless of course html doesn't work thru this program, then that'll just look kinda stupid. :)

anyway! check out my page, hope everyone likes it.
i'm hoooome! dave and jeff and i just got back from ruby tuesdays. our waitress was one gena litrell! which was very surprising, since jeff went out with her in the 6th grade, and i really wanted to, but during high school, she got REALLY freaky. fat and gothic. although she looked mildly decent again, which was surprising. but yeah! was fun. i don't see how, but whenever i hang out with dave and/or jeff, we always have some of the most interesting conversations. and as usual, i ate far too much.

so yeah, i'm on another of my useless quests. i'm attempting to be a very healthy eater for about a week or so. 2 days ago, i went all day without eating meat, and yesterday i was successful in not drinking softdrinks, but i, habitually, got meat for dinner, without even thinking about it. but today, i've been vegetarian, and didn't drink softdrinks! so i'm mildly proud of myself! don't know why. lol. but yeah.

i was talking to jenny a while back, and i saw this book online while i was surfing the web about like natural remedies to all these like sicknesses and stuff, and it was only like 11 dollars, so i just bought it. no reason at all for it, but it was cheap, so i figured hey, why not! ANYWAY, it has a lot of stuff in there about healthy eating, and vitamin supplements and stuff and... yeah, this doesn't relate to anything at all. but since my eating habits are usually the furthest from healthy possible, i'm going to see if we can make a change in that for a change. :) what excitement! lol.

anyway! i'm tired of typing, if i'm struck by anymore intriguing thoughts, i'll post again later. it's still early in the night! :) adios.

yeah hi

wow, jer slept in even later today. didn't wake up until about 11:30. i don't usually do that, that feels like it's way too late. although i don't really do much in the mornings, it is quite a pain to wake up at like 11:30 and not even have the chance to do stuff if i want to. for example, i have a visual basic program that i need to write (within the next 3 weeks!) and that's something i can work on when i'm up early. lol. right.

so anyway, nothing really to look forward to today, don't know what's up. it's nice and rainy outside, so i doubt anyone really wants to go out... although i think i'm gonna call paul here in a few minutes, i'm sure we can go see a movie or something. don't know what's out to see, really, but i'm sure we can think of something. and if not, i can just hang out here all day i guess. not like i haven't done that before. lol. so happy easter! and bye for now.

hip hop

i've had this wierd music mood in the last several months, all i listen to anymore, or so it seems, is independent hiphop. but i'm running out of things to download. i sure wish people would give me some good ideas! click on the comment button down at the bottom of the post and leave me some ideas. :)

goodnight again.


wooohooooo! it's easter! happy easter everyone!

i really don't know why, but nothing is happening this year for easter. my grandmother is coming to stay with us for a few days, that'll be kinda neat. i like when i get a chance to chat with her. but other than that, nothing exciting really happening. i'll probably end up hanging out w/ dave and paul and maybe jeff like i usually do on sundays. hehe. right, so yeah.

today was a blast as well. work was just fun. it was basically me, and some new guys there tonight, my manager was working, but he usually has to do a lot of other stuff, so can't really help us out with the actual work work that needs to get done. so yeah, i had to put up with answering phones, giving orders, AND doing the work. that wasn't really that fun and exciting. and i got asked 3x more questions than usual, and i usually get asked a lot as it is. so! now that i've been home for 2 hours, played quake for a little while, been chatting, chexoring email, etc. i think i'm going to get ready for bed again shortly. kind of tired, although i did get to sleep like a log this morning. :) so anyway, goodnight for now!


Saturday, March 30, 2002

*yawn* just woke up. what a nice feeling that is. :) sucks that i have to work for 8+ hours in a little while.

Friday, March 29, 2002

:| so 2 hours later! i finished watching the pretender, and watched the rest of the heist! it was nice being off work early today, had a chance to go out, although it ended up that dave and jeff and i just ate here and ordered a pizza. ate that and watched my little brother and one of his friends play on my xbox for a little while. what a blast that turned out to be. it's been a very long, yet fun filled day. i'm afraid i might have to go to bed kind of early tonight, which is basically pointless, since tomorrow is my sleep-in day. i've been looking forward to it since monday. i've had to get up at or before 7am every day thus far this week, and it's not fun. it's becoming way too much of a habit though.

so! now i'm sitting here eating my ice cream, listning to music. overall, a good day.


first posting

HI! so i've never used livejournal before, dave and jeff were over here a few minutes ago, telling me that i should update my webpage journal more often, but i never really get a chance to. so! i figured i'd start trying to do this. downloaded some program or whatever, so all i have to do to update a journal now is double click on the desktop! whoomp. anyway! hope i can keep up with this, and hope everyone enjoys reading it.. if anyone does. gotta go for now, watching pretender, and commercial's over! post more later. nightzors.