Friday, March 29, 2002

:| so 2 hours later! i finished watching the pretender, and watched the rest of the heist! it was nice being off work early today, had a chance to go out, although it ended up that dave and jeff and i just ate here and ordered a pizza. ate that and watched my little brother and one of his friends play on my xbox for a little while. what a blast that turned out to be. it's been a very long, yet fun filled day. i'm afraid i might have to go to bed kind of early tonight, which is basically pointless, since tomorrow is my sleep-in day. i've been looking forward to it since monday. i've had to get up at or before 7am every day thus far this week, and it's not fun. it's becoming way too much of a habit though.

so! now i'm sitting here eating my ice cream, listning to music. overall, a good day.


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