Sunday, March 31, 2002


wooohooooo! it's easter! happy easter everyone!

i really don't know why, but nothing is happening this year for easter. my grandmother is coming to stay with us for a few days, that'll be kinda neat. i like when i get a chance to chat with her. but other than that, nothing exciting really happening. i'll probably end up hanging out w/ dave and paul and maybe jeff like i usually do on sundays. hehe. right, so yeah.

today was a blast as well. work was just fun. it was basically me, and some new guys there tonight, my manager was working, but he usually has to do a lot of other stuff, so can't really help us out with the actual work work that needs to get done. so yeah, i had to put up with answering phones, giving orders, AND doing the work. that wasn't really that fun and exciting. and i got asked 3x more questions than usual, and i usually get asked a lot as it is. so! now that i've been home for 2 hours, played quake for a little while, been chatting, chexoring email, etc. i think i'm going to get ready for bed again shortly. kind of tired, although i did get to sleep like a log this morning. :) so anyway, goodnight for now!


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