Sunday, March 31, 2002

i'm hoooome! dave and jeff and i just got back from ruby tuesdays. our waitress was one gena litrell! which was very surprising, since jeff went out with her in the 6th grade, and i really wanted to, but during high school, she got REALLY freaky. fat and gothic. although she looked mildly decent again, which was surprising. but yeah! was fun. i don't see how, but whenever i hang out with dave and/or jeff, we always have some of the most interesting conversations. and as usual, i ate far too much.

so yeah, i'm on another of my useless quests. i'm attempting to be a very healthy eater for about a week or so. 2 days ago, i went all day without eating meat, and yesterday i was successful in not drinking softdrinks, but i, habitually, got meat for dinner, without even thinking about it. but today, i've been vegetarian, and didn't drink softdrinks! so i'm mildly proud of myself! don't know why. lol. but yeah.

i was talking to jenny a while back, and i saw this book online while i was surfing the web about like natural remedies to all these like sicknesses and stuff, and it was only like 11 dollars, so i just bought it. no reason at all for it, but it was cheap, so i figured hey, why not! ANYWAY, it has a lot of stuff in there about healthy eating, and vitamin supplements and stuff and... yeah, this doesn't relate to anything at all. but since my eating habits are usually the furthest from healthy possible, i'm going to see if we can make a change in that for a change. :) what excitement! lol.

anyway! i'm tired of typing, if i'm struck by anymore intriguing thoughts, i'll post again later. it's still early in the night! :) adios.

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