Saturday, September 28, 2002


i think i'm feeling better today. busch gardens did me good, i left my house, and i got my mind off everything else, i didn't get home until 3, and i didn't let myself think about any of it until i got home. we rode apollo's chariot 8 times. new record for me. :D it was awesome, there was virtually no line at ALL when we got there, the only time we really had to wait was that one time after it rained, they were running a couple empty trains to make sure they weren't going to fly off the track or something. and then the last time, when it was dark, and we wanted to ride in the front seat. about 15 or 20 minute wait there, but every other time, we had to wait, MAYBE for the next train to come, if we didn't walk right up and get on. it was awesome. howl o scream was stupid though, but i guess that's to be expected. minimum wage employees, aren't going to try to be TOO scary. lol.

anyway, i guess i'm off to work. i don't want to go at all, i didn't get to sleep until like 5 this morning. my parents got up at like 4:30, they were like "i don't BELIEVE you were still up when we woke up this morning." i was like "i don't BELIEVE you guys got up at 4:30." lol.

ok anyway. i'll try to post s'more in a while, sorry it's been so long. there's been a lot going on i guess, but nothing i really want to post for the "world" to read. sorry...

so, later!

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