Sunday, September 8, 2002


and so shatters the 100 mile per hour barrier.

i've never been lost so many times in one night before in my life though. i'm turning into dave, i went driving just for the hell of it.. he's much better at finding his way around though i guess. i got lost in mechanicsville, laburnum, then i apparently took the wrong interstate to get home, got off to turn around, and got lost in some back woods ghetto neighborhood... not downtown, but still very scary. then i got back on the interstate, and eventually took the wrong exit again... yeah, something like 4 times tonight in 4 different places. lol. all scattered right around richmond.

but anyway. i love my car, and still had fun. although i STILL have a headache. i took 3 ibeprofin a minute ago, so hopefully that'll help.

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