Tuesday, September 3, 2002


not really much to say. went back to school today after my very long, fun, boring weekend. yeah, i just sat around and watched tv sunday and monday most of the day, went to see a movie sunday, and played x box for a while with paulie, that's about it though. i got totally worn out seeing people. tired of dealing with everyone, there are like 4 or 5 people that i'd be willing to try to deal with right now, and that's about all really, which is pretty bad since i have to go to work here in a few minutes. tons of people are going to be asking me questions, and expecting me to have all the answers. lol. yes, well. not today. :)

anyway, i'm going to get going. i want to go driving. i want to get all my reading done for school. i want to have like a week off, but still get paid for it so that i can still afford to pay for my car. i want to get a haircut. i want to go to dmv to get my regular tags and stuff so i can get those damned 30 day tags off my car. i want to go to california. i really, really want to go to california. :)

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