Friday, May 31, 2002


dairy = cool, but i don't want to work grocery.


as i update again with live journal for a change, since i can. lol.

so what've i been up to? not much at all. working as much as physically possible. i've definitely been keeping myself busy with that. i can't wait until sunday, just because it's going to be my first day in a while with nothing pressing to do, like going to ukrops to do more stupid work. i made a decent amount of money this week though, so that makes me happy! but i don't at all feel like going to work, so that makes me less happy. lol.. and i think my alergies are starting to act up or something too, because my throat's been a little sore for the last couple of days, and my nose has been sort of running this morning too. but oh well!

been downloading a lot of new music, a lot of stuff that i'd never really heard of before like: flying blind, oar, dispatch, howie day... i've also been downloading a lot of older stuff that i haven't listened to in a long time.. nine days, sister hazel, vertical horizon. i don't really know why, but something else to listen to i guess. been very thrilling actually.

AND! i don't really know why, but i still wanna learn ASP.NET! i've downloaded a couple things to help me learn it, and i need to get my windows 2000 cd back from ryan, which i think i'll get tonight at work so that i can set up IIS on my system so that i can run a web server, allowing myself to view asp files on my computer without having to upload them to a site that supports asp. lol. most web servers that i have access to run off of unix or linux i think, and since ASP is a microsoft based language, linux and unix machines don't support it. gr. aggravating. so yeah! i got it working on windows xp last night, but! for some reason, i couldn;'t connect to it on my own computer, which was quite a pain. not that i know anything at all about how to program in said language, but i will be sure to learn. i'll be more into it once i can get to where my computer will actually work with it.

ANYWAY. now that i've written a book, that most of the people who read my journal probably don't give a rat's ass about... lol. i'll go get ready to go to work now! so everyone have a lovely evening.

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

ee! and stuff.

- Test Name: Strategic Alliances with Competitors
- Date: 2002-05-29 21:57
- Test Time: 01:00
- Gross Speed: 99 WPM
- Errors: 3
- Accuracy: 96%


i've come to the conclusion that i'm a fairly fast typist. lol. and i amaaazed the people at work today by teaching them how to put a shortcut icon on the desktop of the computer in the back office. lol. complex shit right there.

so anyway, it's been a while since i've updated. really haven't been doing much, trying to work 40 hours a week when possible, i'm actually workign 48 next week i think. it's going to be pretty fun i think. :) i'm going to be pretty tired afterwards, but the following week, i think i'm only working like 4 days, so i'll have a couple of relaxation days. niiice. :D anyway yeah!

been getting hours in the natural foods section when i have time off from operations, it's pretty much the same job, just over a much, MUCH smaller area of the store. so it's not quite as much work, more laid back, and i'm learing more than i think i should ever have to as well. although i'm very amused by the PMS tea that they carry. it herbally helps to abate pms symptoms. lol. it's great!

so anyway! i guess i'll update again later. once i have something more to say. i can't wait until i get paid this week! my chexing account is getting kind of low. i keep transferring all that money into my wanabuyacarfund. lol.

anyway yeah! bye.

Sunday, May 26, 2002


yeah, it's good that i'm sitting here nearly bored out of my mind. i guess i'm going to call laura in a little while. i've been trying to do some updates on rune's webpage today. got a little bit done on that actually, feel sort of accomplished about it. lol. not that i did anything at all. just alleviated my boredom for a little while. yeah what to do? i'm hungry i think, but other than that, i really have nothing to say. i'm getting tired of my music selection, but i really don't know what i want to listen to now. so yeah!

anyway! bye for now.

Sunday, May 19, 2002


i don't want to listen to nelly. :D i like it though.

Thursday, May 16, 2002


got the rest of my grades back

Semester GPA: 3.200
Semester hours earned: 15.00
Cumulative GPA: 3.061
Cumulative hours earned: 66.00

not quite as good as i'd hoped! but i guess i won't complain. still not bad. AND! my monetary funds are still rising! i've spent too much money this week, some of it though was on that parking permit for next sememster. 135 bucks! :( oh well. a worthy cause i guess, seeing as how i sorta need somewhere to park. :)

AND! saw star wars today, on the opening day. it was kind of cool being there in that line among all the star wars geeks. lol, we had to stand outside for like 20 mins before they opened up the theater, and let us all in. (im chatting here at the same time, soforgive me if i'm really incoherent) anyway! the movie was okay i guess. the acting was horrible, and the story line could have been limited to just about half of what it was. the second half of the movie was way better than the first half. (trying not to give away the story) but yoda is my hero now. AND! OO OO!! they showed previews for the next 2 matrix movies, which aren't going to be released until sometime in 2003, and didn't really look all that good either, but still. they were the next 2 matrix movies. i think that was actually the highlight of my day. lol.

anyway! i'm still in a good mood, not much energy, but still happy. or whatever. :)

SO! everyone have a good day! and i'm going to go back to aiming people.

Monday, May 13, 2002

as grades.

Semester GPA: 3.667
Semester hours earned: 9.00
Cumulative GPA: 3.117
Cumulative hours earned: 60.00

i REALLY like the way that looks. it sucks that they haven't posted 2 of my grades yet. i probably got frickin c's. just to piss me off. :P



Friday, May 10, 2002


ya ever not know what kind of mood you're in? lol. i had a great morning, but this evening's been really .... wierd. :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2002

pizza hut, and other assorted things.

so yeah! i woke up ass early this morning, after having a hard time getting to sleep early this morning, and i had to go to work. what a joyous adventure that was. no one was there really, cept me, so not that much excitement there. got to clean a lot of stuff, and stack off a lot of stuff, and fill a lot of stuff, the usual i suppose....

anyway, afterwards, i got home, and called amy, she brought a study guide over for the exam i have tomorrow, and we sat here for about an hour and a half and procrastinated, listning to music, and she and daniel played x box (again).

we decided we were hungry, and we were gonna order a pizza, but i ended up talking to jeff and paul, and they decided they wanted to come too, so we went out to pizza hut instead. big mistake... there was a lady (fat lady) with a beanie in there, making baloons for all the little children, a guy waiting tables with his backpack on like he was getting ready to leave, and a waitress that served our table with her baby in her arm, and our pizza in the other. not exactly my idea of a quiet day either. it was very exciting though, we gout our pizza, and our breadsticks, ate, and left as quickly as possible. although, i couldn't help but noticing that before we left, a girl came in with her parents. she had socks taped to her hands. i don'tknow what exactly the use of something like that could be, but i did find it fairly amusing.

so yeah! fun, busy, exciting day. played in a quake match tonight, and won... a lot.

anyway! have a goodnight everyone!! :)

Saturday, May 4, 2002


long time no post! so exams are started. took the math one and the economics one the other day, didn't do all that well on the math one, i needed a 123 out of 150 to get an A in the class, and i only pulled a 124 / 150, so i cut that one really close. have my psychology exam monday, and i really probably should do some studying for that, bcz i need to grab a B on the exam to even get a B in the class. might be quite a pain. thought i might end up going to my dad's tomorrow, but i talked to him a while ago, and i'm not going, so i think paulie and eko and i will probably end up going to see spiderman! wizooot! ;) i've heard it's really good.

so yeah! i went by the dmv the other day, bcz dave told me that my tags on my car were ass old... january of 2001, actually, don't know whether i'd mentioned anything about that before or not, but he told me after he ended up following me half way to school one day. i was like HOLY CRUD! (i don't think i put iut that way, but something like that). so i finally went by the dmv and got my tags fixed, and working right etc.

then! afterwards, i went by the bank, and opened up a money market account with them, so that i can maybe earn something on that money that's just been sitting in there for months now. yay. maybe it won't help much, but it'll help on the purchase of a new car! i still can't wait.

and i guess that's about all for now! i miss jenny. lol. but i've had a really good day, don't really know why, but no complaints at all... it's been nice. ANYWAY, hope everyone has an excellent week! hopefully i'll post again soon. check and see if my shoutcast station's up! i play all kinds of different stuff on there, whatever i'm in the mood for, and my moods change a lot. so ya never know what'll be on. chex0r it out!

night!!! :)

Friday, May 3, 2002


wow i haven't posted in forever. kinda have a lot to say, but don't feel like typing tonight. i'll post tomorrow!