Wednesday, May 8, 2002

pizza hut, and other assorted things.

so yeah! i woke up ass early this morning, after having a hard time getting to sleep early this morning, and i had to go to work. what a joyous adventure that was. no one was there really, cept me, so not that much excitement there. got to clean a lot of stuff, and stack off a lot of stuff, and fill a lot of stuff, the usual i suppose....

anyway, afterwards, i got home, and called amy, she brought a study guide over for the exam i have tomorrow, and we sat here for about an hour and a half and procrastinated, listning to music, and she and daniel played x box (again).

we decided we were hungry, and we were gonna order a pizza, but i ended up talking to jeff and paul, and they decided they wanted to come too, so we went out to pizza hut instead. big mistake... there was a lady (fat lady) with a beanie in there, making baloons for all the little children, a guy waiting tables with his backpack on like he was getting ready to leave, and a waitress that served our table with her baby in her arm, and our pizza in the other. not exactly my idea of a quiet day either. it was very exciting though, we gout our pizza, and our breadsticks, ate, and left as quickly as possible. although, i couldn't help but noticing that before we left, a girl came in with her parents. she had socks taped to her hands. i don'tknow what exactly the use of something like that could be, but i did find it fairly amusing.

so yeah! fun, busy, exciting day. played in a quake match tonight, and won... a lot.

anyway! have a goodnight everyone!! :)

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