Thursday, May 16, 2002


got the rest of my grades back

Semester GPA: 3.200
Semester hours earned: 15.00
Cumulative GPA: 3.061
Cumulative hours earned: 66.00

not quite as good as i'd hoped! but i guess i won't complain. still not bad. AND! my monetary funds are still rising! i've spent too much money this week, some of it though was on that parking permit for next sememster. 135 bucks! :( oh well. a worthy cause i guess, seeing as how i sorta need somewhere to park. :)

AND! saw star wars today, on the opening day. it was kind of cool being there in that line among all the star wars geeks. lol, we had to stand outside for like 20 mins before they opened up the theater, and let us all in. (im chatting here at the same time, soforgive me if i'm really incoherent) anyway! the movie was okay i guess. the acting was horrible, and the story line could have been limited to just about half of what it was. the second half of the movie was way better than the first half. (trying not to give away the story) but yoda is my hero now. AND! OO OO!! they showed previews for the next 2 matrix movies, which aren't going to be released until sometime in 2003, and didn't really look all that good either, but still. they were the next 2 matrix movies. i think that was actually the highlight of my day. lol.

anyway! i'm still in a good mood, not much energy, but still happy. or whatever. :)

SO! everyone have a good day! and i'm going to go back to aiming people.

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