Saturday, May 4, 2002


long time no post! so exams are started. took the math one and the economics one the other day, didn't do all that well on the math one, i needed a 123 out of 150 to get an A in the class, and i only pulled a 124 / 150, so i cut that one really close. have my psychology exam monday, and i really probably should do some studying for that, bcz i need to grab a B on the exam to even get a B in the class. might be quite a pain. thought i might end up going to my dad's tomorrow, but i talked to him a while ago, and i'm not going, so i think paulie and eko and i will probably end up going to see spiderman! wizooot! ;) i've heard it's really good.

so yeah! i went by the dmv the other day, bcz dave told me that my tags on my car were ass old... january of 2001, actually, don't know whether i'd mentioned anything about that before or not, but he told me after he ended up following me half way to school one day. i was like HOLY CRUD! (i don't think i put iut that way, but something like that). so i finally went by the dmv and got my tags fixed, and working right etc.

then! afterwards, i went by the bank, and opened up a money market account with them, so that i can maybe earn something on that money that's just been sitting in there for months now. yay. maybe it won't help much, but it'll help on the purchase of a new car! i still can't wait.

and i guess that's about all for now! i miss jenny. lol. but i've had a really good day, don't really know why, but no complaints at all... it's been nice. ANYWAY, hope everyone has an excellent week! hopefully i'll post again soon. check and see if my shoutcast station's up! i play all kinds of different stuff on there, whatever i'm in the mood for, and my moods change a lot. so ya never know what'll be on. chex0r it out!

night!!! :)

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