Saturday, August 3, 2002


so yeah! excitement. went to work yesterday. when i got there at 1:30, all the lights in the store were out, the power had been out for about 15 minutes or so, and they had all the freezer cases closed, and all the cold cases covered up so none of the perishable food would go bad, and stuff. however, no one wanted to close the store because there were afraid that we'd lose more sales than we already were. it was really annoying, the registers weren't even working when i got there. so yeah, apparently a power surge had knocked out some kind of box or something that was outside the store. all the ops associates were standing around after they got all the cases covered up waiting for the power to come back on, or waiting for the word to start pulling the cases, or whatever we had to do. turns out the power came back soon after that, but for a while, we were all walking around with flashlites so we could help the annoyingass customers that were still wandering around the store find the stuff they were looking for. anyway, after a bit, we pulled the milk case, and p8ut all the milk back in the dairy case so it wouldn't go bad, and about 15 minutes later, they got all the refrigeration shit going again, so we had to fill it ALL back up. yes, it was a pain. fun though, i suppose..

anyway, went to play pool after work with chris again, and had a blast there, as usual. i ordered my usual long island iced tea, and either it was stronger than usual, or just the fact that i hadn't had anything to eat, but it seemed really strong. buuut i wasn't getting a buzz or anything, so i figured "what the hell" and drank like half of it in 1 giant "gulp." lol. yeah, i had a hard time lining up shots for about 15 minutes after that. chris was like "damn you're funny when you're drunk." hehe. no, i wasn't drunk, it didn't really even feel like i had a buzz going, but i had something. lol.

yeah anyway! i got up this morning and finally got my parents computer fixed fine. so yeah. i guess all i have left now is to goto work at 1:30. eesh, i don't want to be there again. sux. so yeah byeeee.

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