Thursday, August 1, 2002

fun day.

went to eat this morning at breakfaast with paulie and dave, had panera, jeff and jenn showed up after we'd been sitting there for like an hour just talking, and they sat down and had breakfast with us. we sat there for a while longer to talk to them, then we left there and came home. surprise surprise. basically sat around here for a while after that, chatted online a bit, then we went out to tgi friday's. laura called when she got off work, and had a softball game to go to, so she had to leave sorta early, but we still went to friday's, and got some good food. we're actually thinking now about getting a GYM membership so that we can go work out together. it's gonna be hard trying to stay focused working out with someone as attractive as her. (i wonder if she reads my journal? i doubt it.) but anyway, it would still be fun. she's a great person to talk to so it should actually make it a little easier to GO. i've been wanting to for a while, but i've never really had any motivation..... (...) so yeah. we'll see what happens with that, my guess, personally, would be nothing. AAAnyway. i guess i'll go back to sitting here doing nothing. niiiiight.

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