Monday, August 12, 2002


i love my car! i bought a 97 acura integra LS 2 door coupe. about 52,000 miles on it, paid about 12000 dollars, 240 dollar monthly payments, 7.95% APR! yeah it's fkn awesome. it has everything. 5 speed manual transmission, power windows, doorlocks, power steering, 4 wheel anti lock disk brakes, power mirrors, cruise control, INTERMITTENT WINDSHIELD WIPERS!!!, power sunroof even. the headlights kick ass too. yeah it totally rocks. it's very clean, and the a/c works great as well. the ONLY complaint that i have, is that it has a couple of little dings in the paint or whatever. it has a dark green paintjob, and it's very nice and glossy, spoiler too, tan cloth interior, that's really clean as well. power mirrors on the side... yeah it's awesome. lol.

dave and i went out driving tonight, i just bought it on sunday, picked it up today around 1:30 or so, had to work until 10 though, so we went way out down pouncey tract road, and down rockville road, back up to shortpump, ,and down church road. i think i got a pretty good feel for it. it has really good pickup too, and it rides soo quiet compared to my tercel, we were riding back down the interstate, and cut the a/c on so we could see how cool it would get or whatever. (yeah it got really cold), but anyway it was running so quiet, like i couldn't tell how fast i was going, and i stopped watching my speed for a minute, and i realized i was going like 80.. which really isn't much, but since my insurance like doubled when i got it, i don't want to get any tickets ort anything. i kept it around 5 over the speed limit tonight, cept that one trip down rockville road, we took most of that at like 60. (45 speed limit, nice curves and hills and stuff... know it fairly well though). so yeah! i had a blast. :D anyway. i'm going to READ THE MANUAL. lol. just to see some shit about it or whatever. aaanyway. HAPPY!. :D

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