Monday, August 19, 2002


still really don't have anything to say. school starts back in a week from today. i'm sort of looking forward to it. i suppose i should go ahead and find out what kind of books i need, etc. maybe stop down there someday this week or something and pick up whichever ones i can before classes start and the bookstores get ASS crowded. i still need to pick up a notebook or 2 also i think, then i'll be all set. hopefully i'm not putting too much of a load on myself this semester. i've never really tried anything like this before, and if i've complained about not having any free time before, this will be worse than that i think. but i want to get out of school as soon as possible, and i still have to work as much as i can to pay for my car. SO, i think i'm pretty much stuck with it. i'm taking 18 credits.. 6 classes. i have class monday through thursday, starts at 9:30, and i get out on monday and wednesday at 3:15, tuesday and thursday at like 1:45. then i told them i could be at work at 4 on tuesday and thursday. probably actually earlier, i might change that after the first week or something. but yeah, i'm still going to try to work 6-7 hours on tuesdays and thursdays, and 8-10 on friday and saturday if possible. so sunday'sll be free, as will monday and wednesday evenings, however i assume i will have some homework to do or something.

anyway sweet. later.

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