Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Nothin Nothin

Not too much going on today, just hanging out at work. 

I left for my combo dentist appointment / haircut yesterday (left work a bit early) and checked my email when I got home only to find out that a fix I'd made to a program didn't work out quite as expected, so I ended up having to do a bit of work this morning and then come in early to fix fix it.  Not too bad though, easy fix, and it worked out fine.

Today's been pretty relaxed -- got a good amount done and I got to start on a new (very small) project in VB.NET yesterday, got it worked out pretty good today.

I also have to gather some data for another guy tomorrow morning bright and early because he doesn't totally know how to do it, so that's all me.  IT makes me feel pretty good when I'm relied on like that. haha.

Anyway! That's about it.  There's a networking guy here now setting up a VPN connection for our office tonight, so I have to hang out here and make sure everything goes ok.  Which, I hope it does, because I really have no idea what's going on with that.  I'm just a technicality. (Someone here to lock up. hehe)


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