Monday, August 21, 2006

Oh not much

So, today's been a pretty standard work day -- I got a bunch done though. I got a bunch of stuff that's been bugging me with that ticketless program finished, and then I got to come back here and meet with Ted and PD to discuss the stuff. Which is cool.

I was supposed to put a bulleted list of the top priorities together to send to the users after clearing through Ted and PD, but I haven't had a chance to yet. I need to go home tonight and finish working on my review, but I actually did some of it today whilst taking a break here at work. Mostly the only thing left to do is finish up with the pictures, and the page titles and meta tags and stuff.

Which prompts the point: I absolutely abhor Microsoft Frontpage. It's the WYSIWYG editor that gives you WAY more shit than you see. Notepad, FTW!!

Anyway. So yeah, this weekend was fun too. Saturday was pretty busy, but we got to spend another THOUSAND DOLLARS on flowers for the wedding. But, it's okay. They should be really pretty and hopefully we got everything laura wanted. And, in the grand scheme of things, that's really not that much relative to what a lot of folks spend. So, that's good.

Sunday was Busch Gardens!! It was hot as balls, and I was totally exhausted afterwards. But it was still fun. :D

Anyway, that's about it.

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