Monday, August 7, 2006

So we went at least

We ended up staying at Capital Ale house for about2 minutes.  It was suuuper crowded, like standing room only, and hot as balls.  So, Laura and I ended up leaving pretty much right after we got there.  I was told this morning though that they folks did end up getting a table and sitting down for drinks after we'd left, so I sorta wish I'd stayed.  It woulda been kinda fun to just hang out and shoot the shit with some folks from work.

It's allright though, we basically just went home, ordered dinner, and hung out.  It was very nice and relaxing.  All weekend was.

So, I spent a bit of time playing World of Warcraft this weekend, and then when I went to lie down to go to sleep last night, I couldn't go to sleep for anything, so I got back up around 12, and got back on the computer.  I ended up playing more until about 1:30 or so, and then headed back to bed.  I still wasn't able to fall asleep until around 3:00, and it totally sucked.

I'm doing fine so far this morning, but I'm not looking forward to "the crash" that I'm sure is going to hit me later (probably after lunch) at all.  It's going to sux.  hehe.

So!  That's my weekend in a nutshell.

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