Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Productivity 101

Wow, what a productive day it's been.  I'm still sitting at work, but now the market is closed and so I can finally take a breather.  I was going to blog this morning about lack of motivation and how I have a hard time getting motivated to get anything done.  I decided, however, that instead of just blogging about it, I should go ahead and get to work on what I wanted to get done.  I'm very glad that I did.

I really do have a hard time getting motivated to get things done, but I've managed to show myself today that I can.  Head down, headphones on, music going, and work flowing.  It was pretty cool.  I've still got stuff that I can get done, so I'm going to head back to working on it.  I have to keep the momentum going, or else it's all over.

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