Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shot of the day (night?) - 4/4/09

This is one that I took last night. I've seen several photos of the moon that have just blown me away, it amazes me how much detail some people can get with just a simple camera. I wanted to give it a shot. I definitely can't get nearly as much detail with my lens selection as some others can, but I was still pretty surprised. It's cool how you can actually see some of the texture and terrain.

This was shot at ISO 640 on my D80. It was shot at around 210mm zoom (315mm equiv on a 35mm camera) with a 1/400th second exposure time at f/8. It's nothing spectacular, but it was still surprisingly cool to me. This is just cropped to get rid of a bunch of black sky -- this was the original image size. I took out all the saturation, as the white balance was giving it sort of a yellowish hue that I didn't like. That's it, I left all the curves and contrast and such alone. Pretty neat!

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