Sunday, July 7, 2002


right, as i sit here listning to the eminem album. i got up this morning aroudn 10, played quake for a little while, took a shower, and around 12, i left to take movies back to the movie store that dave and paul and i watched the other day. i left there and took the ASS long way home. (for those of you that live around here, i took lauderdale down to patterson, drove all the way to gaskins on patterson, took that down to pemberton, which i took to three chopt, to church, and took church down to pump to sunrise!)

so yeah! was fun.. came home from there, and went outside to play basketball for a little while. ended up going up to the other end of the street to play with a couple of guys that live down the road. hadn't talked to them in a while. well, they're in high school, and i'm in college. so they're below me. lol.

so now i'm sitting here, waiting for dave to come over so we can go out to eat, and inevitably come home directly afterwards. haha. anyway! thrilling day. not even close to over yet! muahhaahha. yeah ihave to be at work at 11 tomorrow, and i'm working 1:30 to 10 on tuesday, then i'm off until next monday. wh00mp! . .


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