Saturday, July 13, 2002

so yeeeah

yesterday was my 21st. we had that little pizza party thing here that my parents wanted to give me, and a bunch of my friends bought me all kinds of different bottles of alcohol and stuff. it's going to take me forever to finish them all. but it was fun, we had pizza, and sat outside on the deck and talked for a while, and i held down my title as jenga champion too. :P

afterwards, we were gonna go shoot pool or something, so ryan, dave, paul, and i went down to the playing field righ there next to bw3's. it ended up that they were 21 plus, so paul couldn't come in with us. he has another whole week before he's going to be 21. damn, that must suck. so he and dave decided to not bother coming in since they didn't want to play pool anyway, so they dropped ryan and i off at the playing field, and they drove around looking at cars that they can't really afford. (:P) ryan and i shot pool for about an hour, and he got a couple of drinks, i stuck to my plain iced tea. afterwards, we were planning to go to the comedy club, but we got there, and it was this little hole in the wall place that looked like something my grandmother would hold. didn't look very cool, although i'm sure it would have still been a lot of fun if we had actually gone in there. buuut, we decided not to, and will called and told us that he couldn't find us, and he was at the TGI friday's bar right down the street, so we decided to meet him there instead. we got there, and there were all kinds of police officers carding and everything, and again since paul was only 20, he couldn't get in at all. will said he already had a drink waiting there for me, so i had to go in and drink it with him or something, so i was like ok whatever, dave and paul decided to wait outside since they didn't really want anything to drink anyway. soo, ryan and i went in and hung out at the bar with will and his friend for a few mins, and they decided that they wanted to go to some kind of club or something afterwards, so i called outside to dave and paul to see if it was ok with them if ryan and i just hung out with will and chris and (other guy.. matt, i think his name was) for the rest of the night, and they were like "yeah that's cool." i feel really bad about it because like they're definitely 2 of my best friends. more so than will and chris, and like.. i dunno, i just felt bad leaving them like that, even though i don't think they wanted to do anything like barring anyway.

SO anyway, after that, we all decided to go downtown to see what kind of clubs and stuff were open. i agreed to go, probably only because i already had like 4 drinks in me at the time. we drove downtown and got to "have a nice day cafe" after looking around at some of the other clubs and stuff that they had available down there. a lot of them looked either really pathetic, or just like totally too full. we passed radius, and i sorta looked in to see if i saw amy, but much to my dismay, she wasn't there. :`( :P but we walked inside have a nice day, and there were a TON of people in there. it should have bothered me a lot, since i usually don't like crowds like that at all, but it really didn't. there were some OMG hot girls in there too. lol. but yeah, we stopped by the bar downstairs when we got there, and someone bought me aNOTHER drink, and we went on upstairs from there. on the top floor, there were like a lot of people dancing, and some butt-ASS loud music. we perty much just hunt out near the back and watched and talked or whatever, it was actually perty cool, ryan got out on the floor a couple of times and danced, and will did as well. i still haven't gotten there yet i guess. :P don't really ever care to, actually, but maybe it might be fun to do sometime. just not anytime soon. i had another drink and a half while we were there, probably for about a couple of hours, maybe a lil bit less. theeen, we left, drove back to friday's to get chris's car, and he drove us home. the 2 ppl that drove didn't drink much at all, so it didn't bother me too much.

but yeeah, we had a good time, got home around 3, went to sleep by 3:30 or 4 or so, got up today around 12, and i felt totally fine. i was realy surprised, i expected to be sick or something, buti wasn't at all. so yeah! that was my drinking "binge" for like a month. don't need any more alcohol anytime soon. had a blast though.

sorry about the BOOK, but yeah, kinda did a lot yesterday. byee..

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