Friday, July 5, 2002


another 7:00 morning shift at work. what fun. so it's good that i have to wake up in about 8 hours. i don't feel like going to bed at all, i don't know why, not tired i guess. besides, not really any reason to, i suppose. not doing anything pressing after work tomrorow thati need any extra energy for or anything.

my 4th was perty good, i went to lunch at around 11:30 with paul and dave, then we picked up jeff and went to see men in black 2 at 1:10. it was a pretty funny movie, worth seeing if you wanna blow 5 dollars on a matinee. went by comp usa afterwards, and i spend that 300 dollars cash that i had lying around (can't have money like that just lying around... someone might take it! i had to spend it. it was only right). i bought a new moniter. it's a very nice one, a 19 inch flat screen. havent really watched any dvd's or anything on it yet, but that's what i have the 32 inch tv with surround sound for anyway. but i'm sure it'd look pretty damn clear on here. :)

yeah, so i can't get my webcam to work on xp still, and it's starting to frustrate me. i don't know what i'm going to do about that. and also, i'd like to get 2000 working again just so i can have it back. i'm sorta getting to miss it. lol. it really just doesn't feel like MY computer running in this operating system. i don't know why. :) but anyway! enought complaining. i had a great day, work was fun, easy, and i did a lot. also, the only thing i ate today was the meal that i had at work, some catfish, string beans, and some corn pudding. lol. it's perty great when you can eat only one meal a day. haha. yeah i'm going to kill myself if i keep that shit up. and that'd suck. no one wants that. :D

right, so i'm going to stop typing now. everyone have a lovely evening.

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